ROBLOX - distracție prin crearea jocurilor !

Pe Roblox puteți începe să construiți gratuit, având tot ce v-ă trebuie într-un singur loc. Roblox oferă servicii, asistență pentru dezvoltatori și instrumente gratuite, cum ar fi Roblox Studio, pentru a vă ajuta să începeți imediat. 

Cu Roblox Studio, puteți crea și publica imediat pe consolă, desktop și dispozitive mobile, jocul dorit. 



Create immersive 3D experiences on Roblox with Roblox Studio, a free application available on Windows and macOS. 

Cerințe de sistem 

  • Următoarele specificații de sistem asigură că Roblox Studio rulează fără probleme: 

  • Windows – Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 sau Windows 11. Pentru Windows 10 sau o versiune anterioară, aveți nevoie și de Internet Explorer 11 sau o versiune ulterioară și de cea mai recentă versiune de WebView2*. Pentru Windows 8/8.1, trebuie să rulați Roblox în modul Desktop, deoarece modul Metro nu este acceptat. 

  • macOS – macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) și versiuni ulterioare. 

  • Procesor – Procesor cu o viteză de ceas de 1.6 GHz sau mai bine. 

  • Memorie – 2GB+ de memorie de sistem. 

  • Hard Disk – Cel puțin 10 GB de spațiu disponibil pe hard disk după instalare. 

  • Placă grafică – Un computer cu o vechime mai mică de 5 ani, cu o placă video dedicată sau un laptop cu o vechime mai mică de 3 ani, cu o placă video integrată. 


  • Internet Access – At least  

  • , 10 or earlier, try the Evergreen Standalone Installer if the Evergreen Bootstrapper installation fails. 

Installing Studio 

To install Roblox Studio: 

Navigate to

Click the Start Creating button. A pop-up dialog displays. 


Click the Download Studio button. 


Find the Studio installer in your browser's download history and double-click the file. 

  • On Windows, the file is RobloxStudio.exe. 

  • On macOS, the file is RobloxStudio.dmg. 

After Studio finishes installing, a pop-up confirmation displays. Click the Launch Studio button. 

Sign in to Studio with your Roblox account. If you don't have an account, create one at and follow the tips on securing your account

Studio Updates 

In contrast to certain other engines, every experience runs on the latest version of the Roblox engine. You should keep Studio up-to-date to utilize the latest APIs and features. 

If your current version of Studio is outdated, you'll see an Update Available button in the upper-right corner. Clicking the button will prompt you to save/close the currently open place so that Studio can automatically update and restart. 


Customizing Studio 

Studio Settings 

Many customization options are accessible via File → Studio Settings (Alt/⌥ + S). You can quickly locate known settings by typing search queries into the search field at the top of the window. 


Visual Theme 

Studio features both a light theme and dark theme. If your operating system supports light and dark modes, the default option mirrors your system mode. 

To explicitly change themes, search for the Theme option and select either Default, Light, or Dark. 


Script Editor 

The built-in script editor has multiple configuration options. To access them, select the Script Editor tab on the left side of the settings window. 


Commonly modified options include: 








Font face and size for code in the editor. 


Tab Width 


Number of spaces representing a Tab indent. 


Indent Using Spaces 


If enabled, spaces equal to Tab Width are inserted with Tab press. 


Text Wrapping 


If enabled, longer lines of code wrap to the next line. 


Script Editor Color Preset 


Color preset for code elements, selection colors, and more. After choosing a preset, you can set specific colors for options like Selection Color and Comment Color. 

Window Layout 

Repositioning Windows 

You can reposition any window by click-dragging its header bar into the bounds of another window. When you do so, a floating position selector appears in the target window. 


Moving your mouse pointer over one of the selector's icons shows a preview of where the dragged window will move in context to the target region. For example, the "upper half" icon makes the dragged window occupy the upper half of the target region, while the "right column" icon makes the dragged window dock to the right side of the target region. 








Grouping Windows 

If you choose the center icon of the position selector, the dragged window will group into the target region as a tab. This allows you to set up "tab groups" of commonly used windows. 


Three windows grouped together as tabs 

Floating Windows 

To float a window freely of other windows, click the small dropdown arrow in the upper-right corner of its header bar and select Float. Alternatively, to re-dock a floating window to its original position, click the dropdown arrow and select Dock. 


Float a docked window 


Re-dock a floating window 

Pinning Windows 

To maximize screen space for the 3D viewport, you can pin windows (or an entire group of windows) as vertical tabs on the left or right side of the viewport. Once pinned, you can temporarily open any window by clicking its tab — this does not disturb other windows, and the expanded window will automatically collapse when you click in another window or click its tab again. 


Three windows pinned to the right side of the viewpo+rt 

To pin a window or an entire group of windows, click the "pin" button. Alternatively, to un-pin a pinned window/group, open it and click the "expand" button. 

Pin or un-pin a window/group